Thursday, October 3, 2024

III BA English / Shakespeare / Julius Caesar


Department of English

Bishop Heber College (Autonomous)

Tiruchirappalli–620 017

III B.A. ENGLISH LITERATURE  –– Semester – V   Shakespeare


Julius Caesar

1. Whom does Caesar defeat in the opening scene?

a. Brutus b. Cassius c. Pompey’s sons d. Casca

2.  Plebians is the common people of ----------.

a. Rome b. France c. England d. Denmark

3. Name the two tribunes who rebuked the people of Rome for their fickle mindedness in the opening scene.

a. Caesar and Antony b. Cassius and Casca c. Flavius and Marullus d. brutus and Cassius

4.  Act I, scene II portrays ------------ celebration in Julius Caesar

a. Lupercalia Feast b. Eve’s Feast c. Diana’s Feast d. Harvest Feast

5. “Beware the Ides of March”- Whose words are these?

a. Calphurnia b.sooth sayer c.Antony d. Cinna

6. Name the first conspirator who is able to provoke Brutus against Caesar?

a. Casca b. Cinna c.Pompey d. Cassius

7. How does Cassius able to turn Brutus against Caesar?

a. by touching Brutus’ love for country b. by bribing Brutus

c. by making him drink liquor d. by assuring him that he will be the ruler

8. How many times Caesar was offered crown by Antony?

a. two b. three c. four d. five

9. In Julius Caesar, who was suffering from epileptic fit?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

10. Who plans to write forged letters like the citizens of Rome?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

11. Which one of the conspirators is a scoffer?

a. Casca b. Cinna c.Pompey d. Cassius

12. To whom, nature pursues her natural course even in a storm?

a. Casca b. Cicero c.Pompey d. Cassius

13. Brutus was moved by ------------ to murder Caesar.

a. a general cause b. personal vengeance c. a vision d. his wife 

14. Lucius is the servant of ----------------

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

15. Who says that the conspirators are purgers not butchers?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

16. Who sees a bad dream in Julius Caesar?

a. Calphurnia b. sooth sayer c. Antony d. Cinna

17. Who induces Caesar to go to the Senate?

a. Antony b. Decius c. Cassius d. Casca

Who warns Caesar through a piece of paper about the conspiracy?

a. Calphurnia b. sooth sayer c. Antony d. Artemidorus

18. Who is very much in anxiety after hearing the secret from Brutus?

a. Portia b. Antony c.Lucius d.Calphurnia

19. Who says that his decision to punish a criminal like Publius Cimber is irrevocable?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

20.Who is the first person to stab Caesar?

a. Casca b. Cinna c.Pompey d. Cassius

21. Who is the last one to stab Caesar?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

22. “Liberty, freedom and enfranchisement”- whose words are these?

a. Plebeians b. conspirators c. senators d. tribunes

23. “Romans, countrymen and lovers! Hear me for my cause”-Identify the speaker

a. Brutus b. Antony c. Octavius d. Calphurnia

24. “Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more”- Identify the speaker

a. Brutus b. Antony c. Octavius d. Calphurnia

25.  “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;

I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him” Whose words are these?

a. Brutus b. Antony c. Octavius d. Calphurnia

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I BA English/ MCQs/ J.B. Priestley’s “Lectures”


Department of English

Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli

I BA English - Prose - I

Question Bank – Multiple Choice Questions

J.B. Priestley’s “Lectures”

1. According to Priestley what is more foolish than going to hear a lecture?

           a)  learning from a lecture                         b)  giving a lecture

         c)  preparing a lecture                                  d)  not giving a lecture

2. To Priestley there is no glory, no fun and no money in _____

         a)  writing                                                      b)  giving a lecture

         c)  acting                                                         d)  none

3. Priestley is greatly in demand as a lecturer.

         a)  true                                                            b)  false

         c)  not much                                                   d)  none

4. Priestley is basically a good ________

         a)  singer                                                        b)  lecturer

            c)  writer                                                        d)  dancer

5. If Priestley is given a pile of sheets, a fountain-pen or a type writer he will do his __________

         (a)  worst                                                        (b)  best

         (c)  will not care                                            (d)  rest

6. According to Priestley To-er-is human, to ________ divine

         (a)  refuse                                                       (b)  forgive

         (c)  forget                                                        (d)  none

7. According to Priestley a successful lecturer takes a delight in his ________

         (a)  voice                                                        (b)  audience

         (c)  mannerisms                                            (d)  dress

8. When he gives a lecture, Priestley ______ the town, the hall, the audience and himself.

         (a)  adores                                                      (b)  loves

         (c)  despises                                                   (d)  likes

9. What does Priestley say about his audience?

         (a)  dreary people                                         (b)  malicious people

         (c)  snarling pedants                                    (d)  all the above

10. If Priestley went on an American tour there would be men waiting with_____ outside the hall.

         (a)  garlands                                                  (b)  cash prize

         (c)  guns                                                         (d)  none

11. WhenPriestley writes, he feels that he is addressing a company of ____________ persons

         (a)  bored persons                                         (b)  pleasant persons

            (c)  pedants                                                   (d)  none

12. Priestley has probably ______________ a hundred readers every time he gives a lecture

         (a)  gained                                                      (b)  lost

         (c)  added                                                       (d)  none

13. Just as the young ____________ falls into an ecstasy at the sound of flagons, the successful lecturer thrills with the pleasure of his voice

         (a)  Margantua                                              (b)  Targantua

         (c)  Gargantua                                               (d)  None

14. According to Priestley what is more foolish than going to hear a lecture?

         (a)  learning from a lecture                         (b)  giving a lecture

         (c)  preparing a lecture                                (d)  not giving a lecture

15. Priestley is  _________ writer

     (a) an American   (b) an African  (c) a British  (d) an Indian

16. Priestley is _________ about lectures

     (a) senseless  (b) sensible (c) eager (d) none of the above

17.What does Priestley say about authors who give lectures?

     (a)  fools       (b)idiots     (c) successful men   (d) none of the above

18. How does Priestley state his own performance as a lecturer?

     (a) make proud of himself an hour (b) make fool of himself an hour (c) make glory of himself an hour (d) none of the above

19. What are Priestley’s thoughts about the audience he faces?

     (a) Malicious people  (b) very pleasant and sensible people  (c) dear and gentle audience   (d) none of the above

20. How does Priestley contrast the successful lecturer from the bad one?  The successful lecturer ___________

     (a) bliss with happiness   (b) thrills with pleasure  (c) harmony in delight (d) none of the above

21. What does Priestley imagine when the lecture he has promised to give seems nearer?

     (a) He looks bright at nothing and his style wobbles (b) he is confident to take the audience at straight (c) he mesmerizes them with his voice and his style dictates. (d) none of the above

22. Gargantua refers to a

     (a) princess (b) small monster (c) gigantic monster (d) plucky girl

23. Priestley feels as  __________ if people are not interested in his lecture.

     (a) happy as he can (b) a success (c) an insult (d) none of the above

24. Priestley has probably lost a _________ readers in a lecture and gained a twenty.

     (a) hundred  (b) dozen (c) handful of (d) none of the above

25. Priestley never wished to give an impression as a demanding______________

     (a) reader (b) writer  (c) lecturer (d) none of the above

26.How does Priestley conclude his essay?

     (a) to err is human, to forgive is divine (b) to err is human, to refuse –divine (c) to err is lecturer, to forgive- audience (d) none of the above

27. Priestley  ___________  to give lectures

     (a)   usually refuse (b) usually fervent (c) usually entreat (d) none of the above

28.A bad lecturer communicates his ____________ for the business.

    (a) taste   (b) distaste (c)   folly   (d) none of the above

29. J B Priestley fully refers as

     (a) Jack Burke Priestley  (b) James Boynton Priestley (c) John Boynton Priestley (d) Jefferson Babington Priestley

30. ‘The Times’ is

      (a) one of the American leading newspapers (b) one of the Indian leading newspapers  (c) one of the leading British newspapers (c) favourite T.V show

31. A heavy shower of letters came for the mistakes made by famous

     (a) poets (b) novelist (c) prose writers (d) actors

32.The poet confess that before writing an article consults  ___________ to make sure on the errors.

     (a) encyclopaedia (b) dictionary (c) facebook (d) wiki

I BA English / Prose 1 /Charles Lamb’s "Oxford in the Vacation"


Department of English

Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli

I BA English - Prose - I

Question Bank – Multiple Choice Questions


Charles Lamb’s "Oxford in the Vacation"

1. Who is Elia?

a)      Pen name of Charles Lamb                b) Pen name of George Dyer             

c) Pen name of Mary Lamb                 d) Clerk

2.  Who was the child of London?

a)      George Dyer        b) Charles Lamb           c) Dr Johnson                    d) E.V. Lucas

3.  Lamb has spent __________ years working as a clerk in the East India House

a)       43                             b)  23                        c)  33                                    d) 13

4. Lamb is renowned for his warm sense of ________ and legendary social gatherings

a)       Tragedy                    b) Wits                          c)  irony                           d) humour

5. In 1807, Charles Lamb and Mary Anne Lamb have published ____________

a)      Tales from Shakespeare          b)   Tales from Bible 

c) Tale of Two cities                           d) Tale of Canterbury.

6. Charles Lamb died in______.

a)               1833                     b)  1834                           c) 1835                       d) 1836

7. Essays of Elia was published in ____.

a) 1803                             b) 1813                             c)  1823                      d) 1823

8. “Oxford in the Vacation” was first published in the London Magazine on _______.

a)  Jul 1860                       b)    Aug 1860                  c) Sep. 1860                d) Oct. 1860

9. Oxford in the vacation is written by one who never was at ­­­_______ as a student.

a) Oxford                       b) Cambridge                    c) Kingston                 d) New college

10. Lamb used to spend his annual holidays in the ______ and other part of the Oxford

a) Ground                      b) library                           c)    Dining hall         d) Campus

11. Lamb use to write under the pen-name of ______.

a) Charles                     b)    Anne                          c)  Elia                         d) Dyer

12. Elia tried to amuse the readers with an account of a clerks working in the_____.

a) East Sea House        b) North Sea House    c) South Sea House    d) West Sea House

13. Elia used to look forward for holidays to spend times in ________ at Oxford libraries.

a) Sleeping                   b) Chatting                       c) Surfing net          d) reading books

14.  _______ feels as if he is inhaling learning while in them

a) Lamb                   b)  Dyer                         c)  Some Menials                 d) Mary

15. Dyer was busy with ______ manuscript at Oriel College.

a)  ancient                b) modern                    c)  postmodern                     d) new

16. Who himself look like an old book badly needing a new cover?

a) Charles Lamb      b) George Dyer           c) George Eliot                    d) G.B. Shaw

17. Dyer doing research concerning the past _________ of the two universities.

a)  Civil                  b) geography                 c)   history                           d) record

18. Lamb cares more for Oxford and Cambridge than he does for fashionable resorts as_____

a) New York           b) Northampton              c) Sussex                              d) Bath

19. Whose picture was hung in his uneasy posture?

a)      St. Peter           b)  St. Thomas                c) St. Mathew                         d) St.Paul

20. Where “it seems as though all the souls of all the writers”?

a)       In the garden            b) In old library       c) In new library          d) In Oxford campus

21. What is “quis sculpsit”?

a) Who was the engraver? a) Who was the painter? a) Who was the singer? a) Who was the writer?

22. Who is Bartholomew?

a) Apostles of Jesus b) Scholar in Oxford c) Professor in Oxford d) Elia

23. Who is Spagnoletti?

a) Spanish artist b) Elia c) A famous cook d) Apollo

24. Who is Marsyas?

a) Musician b) Lamb c) Player d) A student from Oxford.

25. Who challenged Apollo to a contest of music?

a) Simper b) Marsyas c) Timeous d) David