Friday, December 17, 2021

Monday, October 4, 2021

MCQs for I BA English students - Charles Lamb’s "Oxford in the Vacation" - from Dr Suresh Frederick

 Charles Lamb’s "Oxford in the Vacation"

1. Who is Elia?

a)      Pen name of Charles Lamb                b) Pen name of George Dyer             

c) Pen name of Mary Lamb                 d) Clerk

2.  Who was the child of London?

a)      George Dyer        b) Charles Lamb           c) Dr Johnson                    d) E.V. Lucas

3.  Lamb has spent __________ years working as a clerk in the East India House

a)       43                             b)  23                        c)  33                                    d) 13

4. Lamb is renowned for his warm sense of ________ and legendary social gatherings

a)       Tragedy                    b) Wits                          c)  irony                           d) humour

5. In 1807, Charles Lamb and Mary Anne Lamb have published ____________

a)      Tales from Shakespeare          b)   Tales from Bible 

c) Tale of Two cities                           d) Tale of Canterbury.

6. Charles Lamb died in______.

a)               1833                     b)  1834                           c) 1835                       d) 1836

7. Essays of Elia was published in ____.

a) 1803                             b) 1813                             c)  1823                      d) 1823

8. “Oxford in the Vacation” was first published in the London Magazine on _______.

a)  Jul 1860                       b)    Aug 1860                  c) Sep. 1860                d) Oct. 1860

9. Oxford in the vacation is written by one who never was at ­­­_______ as a student.

a) Oxford                       b) Cambridge                    c) Kingston                 d) New college

10. Lamb used to spend his annual holidays in the ______ and other part of the Oxford

a) Ground                      b) library                           c)    Dining hall         d) Campus

11. Lamb use to write under the pen-name of ______.

a) Charles                     b)    Anne                          c)  Elia                         d) Dyer

12. Elia tried to amuse the readers with an account of a clerks working in the_____.

a) East Sea House        b) North Sea House    c) South Sea House    d) West Sea House

13. Elia used to look forward for holidays to spend times in ________ at Oxford libraries.

a) Sleeping                   b) Chatting                       c) Surfing net          d) reading books

14.  _______ feels as if he is inhaling learning while in them

a) Lamb                   b)  Dyer                         c)  Some Menials                 d) Mary

15. Dyer was busy with ______ manuscript at Oriel College.

a)  ancient                b) modern                    c)  postmodern                     d) new

16. Who himself look like an old book badly needing a new cover?

a) Charles Lamb      b) George Dyer           c) George Eliot                    d) G.B. Shaw

17. Dyer doing research concerning the past _________ of the two universities.

a)  Civil                  b) geography                 c)   history                           d) record

18. Lamb cares more for Oxford and Cambridge than he does for fashionable resorts as_____

a) New York           b) Northampton              c) Sussex                              d) Bath

19. Whose picture was hung in his uneasy posture?

a)      St. Peter           b)  St. Thomas                c) St. Mathew                         d) St.Paul

20. Where “it seems as though all the souls of all the writers”?

a)       In the garden            b) In old library       c) In new library          d) In Oxford campus

21. What is “quis sculpsit”?

a) Who was the engraver? a) Who was the painter? a) Who was the singer? a) Who was the writer?

22. Who is Bartholomew?

a) Apostles of Jesus b) Scholar in Oxford c) Professor in Oxford d) Elia

23. Who is Spagnoletti?

a) Spanish artist b) Elia c) A famous cook d) Apollo

24. Who is Marsyas?

a) Musician b) Lamb c) Player d) A student from Oxford.

25. Who challenged Apollo to a contest of music?

a) Simper b) Marsyas c) Timeous d) David

Friday, October 1, 2021

MCQs Prose - I for Students of BHC from Dr Suresh Frederick


Department of English

Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli

I BA English - Prose - I

Question Bank – Multiple Choice Questions

Bacon’s “Of Studies”

1. According to Bacon, the chief use of study is:

(a)  Ability  (b)  Ornament  (c)  Delight               (d)  Adornment

2. To Bacon to spend too much time in studies is:

(a)  Affection (b)  Affectation  (c)  Studious  (d)  Sloth

3. For abilities which are natural is like natural plants that need _________

(a) pruning by study (b) sunlight  (c) air  (d) water

4. According to Bacon, who condemns studies?

a. crafty men             b.  simple men          c. wise men      d.  ready men

5. ___________ maketh a full man

 (a) speaking  (b) reading (c) writing (d) listening

6. History makes men wise; poets witty; mathematics subtle and natural philosophy _____

(a) shallow     (b) deep   (c) intense   (d) low

7. The exercise bowling is good for ______ and reins

 (a) rock     (b) sand   (c) stone  (d)  none of the above

8.A man who studies a lot is temperamentally ___________

(a) active (b) inactive  (c) smart (d) lazy

9. Studies develop the human’s natural ____________

   (a) ability  (b) inability   (c) value (d) delight

10. Different kinds of ________ have different effects upon the reader.

 (a) books  (b) compact discs (c) equipment (d) none of the above

11.Experience is essential to add to the value of __________

     (a)land  (b) gold  (c) building (d) studies

12. The study of logic and rhetoric develop a human’s

(a) muscles  (b) intelligence  (c) debating power (d) singing ability

 13. Planning and Management of affairs are expected only from persons

(a) who seldom reads (b) who debate often (c) who read a lot (d) who plan a lot

 14. Some Books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and

      (a) spitted    (b) vomited   (c)  digested  (d) printed

15. One should not read books merely to contradict others but to

(a) judge the cost of the book   

(b) judge the number of pages in the book

(c) judge the value  of the material the book contains 

(d) judge the time taken to make us sleepy

16. Simple men admire studies and wise men ______ them

     (a) use   (b) misuse (c) lecture  (d) reject

17. Bacon’s style is known for:

         (a)  pathos                                                      (b)  humour 

         (c)  paradox                                                    (d)  aphorisms

18. According to Bacon what maketh an exact man?

         (a)  sleeping                                                    (b)  reading 

         (c)  chatting                                                    (d)  writing

19. Bacon suggests that if a man’s wit be wandering let him study:

         (a)  Mathematics                                          (b)  History

         (c)  Philosophy                                               (d)  Logic

20. According to Bacon what makes men wise?

         (A)  Physics                                                     (B)  Mathematics

         (C)  Philosophy                                               (D)  History

21. According to Bacon gentle walking is good for

         (a)  eyes                                                          (b)  stomach

         (c)  brain                                                         (d)  lungs

22. According to Bacon philosophy makes men:

         (a)  wise  (b)  witty(c)  subtle                       (d)  grave

23. Bacon suggests that the general counsels come best from those that are :

             a.  Experienced          b.  Professionals          

            c.  Learned        d.  Businessmen

24. To use studies too much for Ornament is _______

          a. Affection                b. Affectation              c.  Adornment   d.  Abuse

25. To Bacon one must read to :

a. Weigh and consider b. Contradict and confute 

c. Talk and discourse d.  Take for granted

MODERN LITERATURE I [Chaucer to the Jacobeans] ML 1 for I MA students of Bishop Heber College by Dr Suresh Fredeerick




Core I:  MODERN LITERATURE I [Chaucer to the Jacobeans]

Objective Type Questions



Donne : 1. “Canonization”,

               2. “Extasie”

Marvell : 1. “To His Coy Mistress”

                 2. “The Garden”

Herbert : 1. “Affliction”,

                 2. “The Pulley”

Richard Lovelace : “To Althea, from Prison”


John Donne:    1.“Canonization”,  2. “Extasie”


51. Who coined the term “metaphysical poetry”?

a. Andrew Marvell     b. John Donne            c. Samuel Johnson   d. Henry Vaughan

52. What is the “stamped face” referred to by Donne in “Canonization”?

a. face in a stamp       b. holy face                 c. Coin                        d. real face

53. Fill in the blank: “For God's sake hold your tongue, and let me ________”.

a. love                                    b. live                          c. tell                           d. give

54. Fill in the blank: “Call her one, me another _______”. 

a. taper                       b. moth                       c. candle                     d. fly

55. What is a phoenix?

a. Mall                         b. Bike             c. Mythological plant             d. Mythological bird

56. According to Donne, why should a person “take a course”?

a. To get a job  b For running        c. For higher studies             d. To begin family life

57. “We’ll build in sonnets pretty rooms”. What is the meaning of “room” here?

a. a place in a house b. stanza in a poem            c. room in a mansion            d. veranda

58. What is canonization?

a. accepter of a canon           b. Having a gun          c. to make saint of   d. a priest

59. According to Donne, what do soldiers find?

a. Army                       b. House                     c. Country                   d. War

60. According to Donne, what do lawyers get?

 a. Litigious men      b. Car                          c. Dress                       d. Robe

61.What is meant by ek stasis?

a. Stand outside       b. experience of joy c. experience of love             d. to stand

62. Who is the “Great Prince in prison”?

a. Body                       b. The soul                c. Earth                       d. Donne

63. After the “concoction”, who will depart as a “purer” person?

a. Man                         b. Onlooker               c. Lover                      d. Lady Love

64. A “metaphysical _____” is a particular type of poetic metaphor of the sort developed by the “metaphysical poets”.

a. simile                      b. conceit                  c. poem                       d. song

65. “This ecstasy doth unperplex”. What does “unperplex” mean?

a. resolve                   b. complex                  c. confuse                   d. compound

66. “We owe them thanks”, who are “them” according to Donne?

a. Bodies                    b. souls                       c. faces                        d. gods

67. “Yielded their senses’ force to us,/ Nor are dross to us, but allay”. Which is referred to as an “allay” by Donne?

a. soul                                     b. body                       c. sprit                                     d. sense

68. Who are “weak men” according to Donne?

 a. Physically weak                                        b. Those who cannot write poetry

c. Those who look for manifestation                  d. Dull-headed

69. Which are “firmly cemented / With a fast balm”?

a. Sick person’s legs b. a house                   c. a window                d. Lovers’ hands

70. Fill in the blank: “A single violet _______,/ The strength, the colour, and the            size,/…Redoubles still, and multiplies”.

a. plant                        b. sapling                    c. bud                          d. Transplant



Andrew Marvell: 1. “To His Coy Mistress”,  2. “The Garden”


71. Who stopped the sun on its course?

a. Joshua                    b. Jesus Christ            c. Andrew Marvell     d. John Donne

72. “Time’s winged chariot” is an allusion to:

a. Helios                     b. Ares                        c. Zeus                        d. Hermes

73. What is the “Humber”?

a. The Indian Ocean b. a river in England           c. Lake Victoria  d. The English Channel

74. What is the structure of the poem, “To His Coy Mistress”?

a. novelistic                b. syllogism                c. free verse              d. ode

75. What is the key theme of the poem, “To His Coy Mistress”?

 a. carpe diem                       b. Carpe Jugulum       c.  carpimus noctem   d. Toccata

76. Why does Marvell refer to “Indian Ganges”?

a. exotic element     b. likes India               c. Likes the Ganges    d. Wants rubies

77. Where is the Humber river?

a. Calcutta                   b. Hull                         c. Hollywood              d. London

78. Fill up the blank: “...the youthful ____ /Sits on thy skin like morning dew”.

a. skin                         b. age                                      c. hue                                     d. pink

79. Fill up the blank: “The _____ is a fine and private place...”.

a. room                       b. house                      c. garden                    d. grave

80. What are “amorous birds” in “To his Coy Mistress:?

a. Birds of prey          b. Angry birds            c. Fighting birds         d. Love birds

81. Marvell sees____________ as superior to the white and red hues that commonly signify passionate love.

a. violet                       b. blue                         c. yellow                     d. green

82. Apollo metamorphosed Daphne into a _______.

a. girl                           b. bird                                     c. laurel                     d. nymph

83. Pan metamorphosed ______ into a reed.

a. Cinderella               b. Pandora                 c. Joshua                     d. Syrinx

84. Who is the “skilful gardener” referred to by Marvell in “The Garden?

a. Trained gardener b. Experienced gardener      c. Devil            d. God

85. Who are crowned with palm leaves?

a. Singers                    b. Kings                       c. Victors in games d. Poets

86. Who is given the oak leaves?

a. Animal                    b. Sports person        c. Ruler of a country           d. Hockey player

87. What are “bays”?

 a. sea                          b. land                         c. flowers                    d. laurels

88. Which is the “garden state” referred to by Marvell in “The Garden”?

a. Heaven       b. Vasantham garden            c. Hades                      d. Garden of Eden

89. What does George Herbert mean by “furniture” in “Affliction”?

a. humans                   b. house                      c. college                     d. nature


George Herbert : 1. “Affliction”, 2. “The Pulley”


90. What does George Herbert refer to as a “lingring book”?

a. A collection of poems       b. Drama        c. The Bible   d. Poems of Herbert

91 From which game has the metaphor “cross-bias” been taken?

a. cricket                     b. foot ball                  c. Dart-board                         d. bowling

92. Who is the “some other master” referred to by Herbert?

a. Jesus                       b. Jehovah                  c. devil                       d. Little Master

93. What is the “way that takes the town”?

a. Spiritual life            b. worldly life           c. God-fearing life      d. Religious life

94. What is the only positive thing in the Pandora ’s Box? 

a. Wealth                    b. Hope                      c. Beauty                     d. Sorrow     

95. What is the “jewel” referred to by Herbert in “Pulley”?

a. rest                                     b. gold                         c. ring                          d. beauty


Richard Lovelace: “To Althea, from Prison”


96. With whom did Richard Lovelace side during a power struggle in England?

a. The Church  b. The Parliament    c. King Charles I       d. The Prince of Persia

97. Why cannot the walls and iron bars that surround Lovelace imprison him?

a. protected by God                                      b. Physically free      

c. protected by a strong person                  d. Free in mind

98. What are the “Committed linnets”?

a. caged birds            b. cunning birds       c. dead birds d. those committed to work

99.What is the main theme of Richard Lovelace’s “To Althea from Prison”?

a. Love for Althea                                          b. No one can imprison the human mind       

c. Love for the King                                       d. Prison life

100. What is a “Hermitage” according to Lovelace?

a. hut               b. a place where hermits live           c. mind          d. sages live