Wednesday, January 30, 2019

MCQs –I CIA 2019 Semester VI – NEW LITERATURES – III BA English


A.D. Hope                          :           Australia
Charles Harpur                 :           An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament 
F.R. Scott                          :           Canadian Authors Meet
Oodgeroo Noonuccal        :           No More Boomerang

            A.D. Hope                               :           Australia
1. A ________ is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human.
a) sphinx b) Maximinus c) mummy d) Pluto
2. How does Hope call the major cities of Australia?
 a) teeming sores b) teeming life c) teeming growth d) teeming blood
3. Where is Cairns?
a) Australia b) South Africa  c)Canada  d) New Zealand
4. Australians boast that they ______ in Australia.
a) survive b) live c) die d) sing
5. Why does Hope call Australians a “second-hand Europeans”?
a) Most of them are convicts b) Most of them buy second-hand goods c) Most of them are not from Britain d) Most of them hate Britain
6. Why do the Australians “pullulate timidly on the edge of alien shores”?
a) Not happy with the country b) The land is fertile there c) Other places are fallow d) Timid survival permitted
7. What does Hope mean by “pullulate”?
a) crowded b)population  c)live timidly d)pull from all sides
8. Who are the “cultured apes” according to A.D. Hope?
a) Europeans b) Americans c) Indians d) Australians
9.“From the deserts the prophets come”. What is the reference?
a) The Bible b) Desert Digest c) The New Testament d) The Zend-Avesta
10. Which country is referred to as a barren land by Hope?
a) Australia b) America c) India d) Canada
11. ___ is “the last of lands”.
a) Australia b) America c) India d) Canada
12. Hope describes the Austrian people describes as_____
a) “monotonous tribes” b) “marvellous tribes” c) “fabulous tribes”  d) “spectacular tribes”
13. Hope ironically calls the Australians as _______
a) “ultimate men” b) “uncritical men”  c) “gullible men”   d) “naive men” 

Charles Harpur                       :           An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament 
14. Thomahawk is a type of ________ used by the natives of Australia.
a) axe b) spear  c) drum d) boat
15. Who is merciless in “An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament”?
a) The white man b) The black man c) The red Indian d) The natives of Australia
16. _______ is a gift from her husband.
a) Braid b) Baby c) Thomahawk d) A palm full of water
17 What is smouldering?
a) To burn slowly with smoke b) To quench with water c) To satiate with smoke d) To slake with water
18 “I’ll bear thee on as I have borne / With____ steps”
 a) stealthy b) public  c) free d) unrestricted
19 Which is covered by darkness in “An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament”?
a) The forest b) The village c) The clan d) The plant
20 The mother is willing to barter the braid to save her child by getting him a ______
a) palmful of water b) beautiful toy c) handful of rice d) piece of fried chicken
21. Who mimics the sound of the father?
a) The mountain b) His son c)His wife d) His friends
22. Why is the “hunting call” missing from the mountains?
a) The hunter is killed b) The hunter is not there c) The hunter follows ahimsa d) The hunter is mute
23. “An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament” is written as ______.
a) a Dramatic Monologue b) a Fable c) an Allegory d)an  Imagery
24. What is the refrain of “An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament”?
 a) O moan not! b) O sob not! c) O fear not! d) O whine not!
25. What is moaning?
a) Expression of suffering b) Expression of happiness c) Feeling for the dead d) To mourn for dead the people
26. _______is a type of poem in which a speaker addresses a silent listener.
a) Dramatic monologue b) Fable c) Allegory d)Imagery

F.R. Scott                                :           Canadian Authors Meet
27. The____ are the goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration to poets.
a) Muses b) Cogitates c) Ares d) Athena
28. A _____ is a note played for one quarter of the duration of a whole note.
a) crotchet b) clef c) minim d) semibreve
29. “Shall we gather at the river” is a _______.
a) Christian hymn  b) River song c) nursery rhyme d) Canadian National Anthem
 30. The ______ is the national symbol of Canada.
a) maple leaf b) neem leaf c) green leaf d) apple leaf
31. The Canadian authors meet beneath a portrait of the_____
a) Prince of Wales b) Frederick Schwartz c) Donald Trump d) Justin Pierre James Trudeau
32. Who are considered “Virgins of sixty” by Francis Reginald Scott?
a) Canadian Writers b) Canadian Workers c) Elderly people  d)Experienced women
33. Whose quality is measured by “their faith and philanthropies”?
a) Writers from Canada b) Writers from Australia c) Writers from Africa d) Writers from New Zealand 
34. The writers’ worth is measured by their _____
a) zeal for God and King b) passion for writing c) zeal for vocabulary d)passion for rhymes  35. “Shall we go round the mulberry bush” is a _____
a) nursery rhyme b) spiritual song c) nature song d) song on bush
36. Frederick George Scott is a poet from _____.
a) Canada b)Australia c)Africa d)New Zealand 
37. ________is spoken in the same breath as having another cup of tea.
a) The appointment of a Poet Laureate b) Preparing a cup of coffee c) Writing a poem d) Singing a song
38. Who is Bliss Carman?
a) A poet from Canada b) A lyricist from Canada c) A dramatist from Canada d) A politician from Canada

Oodgeroo Noonuccal              :           No More Boomerang
39. _____is an aboriginal club for corporal punishment.
a) Waddy b) Ab club c) Ab stick d) Bush stick
40. _______is a Mythical monster inhabiting the Australian rivers.
a) Bunyip b) Kappa c) Charon d) Fosse grim
41. What is a wallaby?
a) A type of kangaroo  b) A type of wall c) A type of baby d) A type of bird
41. ______changed her name to Oodgeroo Noonuccal.
a) Kath Walker b) Cassius Clay c) Christina Walker d) Catherine Clay
42. Why did Oodgeroo Noonuccal change her name?
a) To resume her traditional name. b) She does not like the name. c) She liked Australians. d) She disliked Australians.
43. What is a boomerang?
a) A curved throwing weapon b) A playing toy c) An action taken d) A long stick
44. What is “corroboree”?
a) The Aboriginal singing and dancing b) A type of kangaroo  c) An aboriginal club d) A Mythical monster
45. In Australia, movies have replaced_____
a) corroboree b) waddy c) boomerang d) Bunyip
46. The indigenous people have lost the boomerang and the spear and gained _______.
a) the bar and beer. b) the money c) the bob d) the dog collars
47. _____is a slang term for a unit of currency in Australia.
a) Bob b) Wampum c) Ducats d) Bucks
48. _____is a basic aboriginal shelter made of bark and sticks.
a) Gunya b) Shed c) Villa d)Hut
49. ______is a throwing stick used to launch a spear.
a) The woomera b) The boomerang c) The corroboree d) The message-stick
50. ______is a form of communication traditionally used by Indigenous Australians.
a) A message-stick b) A boomerang c) A corroboree d) A woomera

Semester – VI

David Diop                            :           Africa
            Gabriel Okara                       :           Once Upon a Time
            Derek Walcott                      :           A Far Cry from Africa
Chinua Achebe                      :           Refugee mother and child

“Africa” by David Diop
1. What is negritude?
a) Literary and ideological philosophy b) Philosophical movement c) Fight against the Whites d) A derogative term
2. What does “young and strong... tree” represent in David Diop’s “Africa”?
a) The young people of Africa  b) The old people of Africa c) The colonisers d) The people of Africa
3. _____ have bent the back of Africa according to Diop.
a) The colonialists  b) The aggressive people c) The Americans d) The Anti-colonialists
4. Where was David Diop born?
a) Bordeaux, France b) Lagos, Nigeria c) Cairo, Egypt d) Luanda, Angola
5. _______ is a tropical or subtropical grassland of eastern Africa.
a) Savannah b) steppes c)Pampas d) alcareous downland
6. Who exploited the Black people and used them as slaves in Africa?
a) The colonialists b) The Australians c) The Americans d) The Anti-colonialists
7. Several of Diop’s poems were published in _____ famous anthology
a) Léopold Senghor’s b) Chinua Achebe’s  c) Mariama Bâ’s d) Nadine Gordimer’s 
8. Diop urges the Africans to be _______.
a) patient b) angry c) bold d) good
10. The “white and faded” flowers represent________. 
a) the colonialists b) the temporariness of life c)the girls of Africa d)the boys of Africa
11. Diop says that it is ______ of his people which is irrigating the fields
 a) the blood and sweat b) the discarded things c)  the valuable things d) the love and affection
12. _______ is eulogized and portrayed as the giver of life by Diop.
a) Africa b) Australia c) Canada d) India
13. “Your beautiful ______ that irrigates the fields”.
a) black blood b) black water c) blue blood d)blue water

“Once Upon a Time” by Gabriel Okara
14. Gabriel Okara is ________ poet and novelist
a) a Nigerian b) an American c) a South African d) a Senegalese
15. _____ wears many faces like dresses. 
a) The father b)The mother c)The son d)All the above
16. I want to _______ all these muting things.
a) unlearn b) learn c)understand d) study
17. I have learned to laugh with only my____.
a) teeth b) heart c)eyes d) soul
18. “Once Upon a Time” explains what happens when a traditional African culture meets _________.
a) the Western way of life b) a happy way of life c)a controlled way of life d) the slavery
19. In many places the tone of the poem, “Once Upon a Time”, is _____.
a) bitter b) bright c)sweet d) happy
20. According to the father, “left hands search his_____”
a) empty pockets b) hefty pockets c) rich bags d) empty bags
21. Okara tells of the false personalities for their_____.
a) many faces b)false promises c)false speeches d) many tongues
22. The father has learnt to shake hands without his ______.
a) heart b) teeth c) tongue d) mask
23. According to Okara “Goodbye” means, _______.
a) “good-riddance” b) “bye-bye” c) “see you later” d) “I like you”
24. According to Okara “Glad to meet you” means, _______.
a) I am not glad b) I am very glad c) I am very happy d) Nice to meet you
25. Okara talks about the ______ which were developed by the father.
a) fake attitudes b) good attitudes c) niceties  d) pleasant attitudes
26. According to Okara, the father is ______ of his behaviour.
a) ashamed b) happy c) ignorant d) indifferent

“A Far Cry from Africa” by Derek Walcott
27. Africa is compared to _____ with a “tawny pelt.”
a) an animal b) a bird c) a river d) a land
28. The word “Kikuyu” serves as the name of _____ in Kenya.
a) a native tribe b) a native plant c) an animal d) a bird
29 Why does Walcott describe a landscape littered with corpses?
a) To shatter the image of a paradise b) Death is everywhere c) He hates blacks d) He loves his country
30.  What is the image used by Walcott to describe the setting of decaying human flesh?
a) a worm b) an eagle c) a coloniser  d) a rat
31. Whose admonishment is: “Waste no compassion on these separate dead!”?
a) The worm’s b) The eagle’s c) The coloniser’s  d) The rat’s
32 When did the Mau Mau uprise against British colonists in Kenya?
a) during the 1950s.b) during the 1970s.c) during the 1920s. d) during the 2000s.
33 Walcott’s use of “savage” functions to present _______ point of view.
a) a British colonialist’s racist b) a Black’s c) the Mau Mau’s d) the Kikuyu’s
34 What are the ibises?
a) long-billed wading birds b) high-flying eagles c) strong-legged hyenas d) long-legged animals
35. ______ ruled this land long before African or European civilization existed.
a) The ibises and other beasts b) The natives c) The homo-sapiens d) The homo-erectus
36 What does the idiom: “a far cry” mean?
a) An impossible thing. b) To cry for others c) No need to cry d) Far from over
37. Which is the paradox at the centre of Walcott’s consternation?
a) His hybrid inheritance. b) His love for Africa c) His love for books d) His view on violence.
38. Walcott’s divided loyalties engender a sense of guilt as he wants to _______ the “civilized” culture of the British.
a) adopt b) adapt c) abject d)  object

“Refugee Mother and Child” by Chinua Achebe
39. Chinua Achebe’s “Mother in a Refugee Camp” portrays _______.
a) the inevitability of death b) the life after death c) Mother Mary and her son Jesus d) the value of time
40 Chinua Achebe’s Mother in a Refugee Camp, paints the pathetic picture of a mother holding _______.
a) her dying son b) a dying soldier  c) a dying plant d) a dull painting
41 _______ is a quality that evokes pity or sadness.
a) Pathos b) Ramos c) Plight  d) Tragedy
42. In “Refugee Mother and Child”, what is the reason for the refugee camp?
a) No reason is given b) No love c) Countries are divided d) Whites dominate the Blacks
43. Who is Madonna in “Refugee Mother and Child”?
a) Holy mother Mary b) A Singer c) Mother of the child d) An African woman
44 The air in “Mother in a Refugee Camp” held a nausea of unwashed children with traces of________.
a) diarrhea b) rose petals c) blue colour d) ugliness
45 The mother in Chinua Achebe’s “Mother in a Refugee Camp” donned______.
a) a ghost smile b) a lovely dress c) a beautiful flower d) a rose wreath
46. The mother in Chinua Achebe’s “Mother in a Refugee Camp” combs, with maternal affection, the hair on the son’s  ______.
a) skull b) head c) lock d) hair
47. Chinua Achebe’s “Mother in a Refugee Camp” is full of _______.
a) pathos b) vengeance c) merry making d) theology
48 Chinua Achebe’s “Mother in a Refugee Camp” describes the disease, illness and _____ which surrounds the camp
a) death b)life  c) sadness d) life
49 Chinua Achebe was brought up in______, a place of pain and poverty.
a) Igbo Town b) Ife c) Kumariya d) Maiduguri
50 The last display of maternal affection by the mother in “Mother in a Refugee Camp” is equivalent to “putting flowers on_____”.
a) a tiny grave b) a cute head c) a lovely skull d) a beautiful land

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