Friday, September 20, 2019

Charles Lamb’s ‘Oxford in the Vacation’ I UG MCQs

Department of English
Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli
I BA English - Prose - I
Question Bank – Multiple Choice Questions
Course Code: U19EG102
Charles Lamb’s ‘Oxford in the Vacation’

1. Who is Elia?
a)     Charles Lamb       b) George Dyer    c) Mary Lamb     d) Clerk
2.  Who was the child of London?
a)     George Dyer        b) Charles Lamb   c) Dr. Johnson    d) E.V. Lucas
3.  He spent __________ years working as a clerk in the East India House
a)      43       b)  23         c)  33                     d) 13
4. Lamb was renowned for his warm sense of ________ and legendary social gatherings
a)      Tragedy               b) Wits                     c)  irony               d) humour
5. In 1807, Charles Lamb and Mary Anne Lamb was published ____________
a)     Tale from Shakespeare b)   Tale from Bible  c) Tale of Two cities     d) Tale of Canterbury.
6. Charles died in______.
a) 1833                     b)  1834                     c) 1835               d) 1836
7. Essays of Elia was published in ____.
a)     1803                   b) 1813                       c)  1823             d) 1823
8. Oxford in the Vacation was first published in the London Magazine on _______.
a)     Jul 1860             b)    Aug 1860             c) Sep. 1860   d) Oct. 1860
9. Oxford in the vacation is written by one who never was at ­­­_______ as a student.
a)     Oxford               b) Cambridge            c) Kingston      d) New college
10. Lamb used to spend his annual holidays in the ______ and other part of the Oxford
a)     Ground               b) library                  c)    Dining hall         d) Campus

11. Lamb use to write under the pen-name of ______.
a)      Charles               b)    Anne                     c)  Elia                        d) Dyer
12. He tried to amuse the reader with an account of a clerks working in the_____.
a)     East Sea House   b) North Sea House    c) South Sea House    d) West Sea House
13. He used to look forward for holidays to spend times in ________ at Oxford libraries.
a)    Sleeping                b) Chatting                    c) Surfing net          d) reading books
14.  _______ feels as if he inhaling learning while in them
a)     Lamb                   b)  Dyer                         c)  Some Menials     d) Mary
15. Dyer was busy with ______ manuscript at Oriel
a)     ancient                b) modern                    c)  postmodern       d) new
16. Who himself look like an old book badly needing a new cover?
a)     Charles Lamb      b) George Dyer           c) George Eliot        d) G.B. Shaw
17. Dyer doing research concerning the past _________ of the two universities.
a)       Civil                  b)  geography                 c)   history              d) record
18. Lamb cares more for Oxford and Cambridge than he does for fashionable resorts as_____
a)     New York           b)  Northampton              c) Sussex             d) Bath
19. Who hung in his uneasy posture in the old Baskett prayer book?
a)      St. Peter           b)  St. Thomas                c) St. Mathew         d) St.Paul
20. Where “it seems as though all the souls of all the writers”
a)      In  oxford         b) In old library       c) In new library         d) In Oxford campus


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