– VI
A.D. Hope : Australia
Harpur : An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament
Noonuccal : No More Boomerang
A.D. Hope : Australia
1. A ________ is a mythical
creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human.
a) sphinx b)
Maximinus c) mummy d) Pluto
2. How does Hope
call the major cities of Australia?
a) teeming
sores b) teeming life c) teeming growth d) teeming blood
3. Where is Cairns?
a) Australia b)
South Africa c)Canada d) New Zealand
4. Australians boast
that they ______ in Australia.
a) survive b) live
c) die d) sing
5. Why does Hope
call Australians a “second-hand Europeans”?
a) Most of them are convicts
b) Most of them buy second-hand goods c) Most of them are not from Britain d)
Most of them hate Britain
6. Why do the
Australians “pullulate timidly on the edge of alien shores”?
a) Not happy with the
country b) The land is fertile there c) Other places are fallow d) Timid
survival permitted
7. What does Hope
mean by “pullulate”?
a) crowded b)population
c)live timidly d)pull from all sides
8. Who are the “cultured
apes” according to A.D. Hope?
a) Europeans b) Americans
c) Indians d) Australians
9.“From the deserts the
prophets come”. What is the reference?
a) The Bible b) Desert
Digest c) The New Testament d) The Zend-Avesta
10. Which country is
referred to as a barren land by Hope?
a) Australia
b) America c) India d) Canada
11. ___ is “the
last of lands”.
a) Australia
b) America c) India d) Canada
12. Hope describes
the Australian people describes as_____
a) “monotonous
tribes” b) “marvellous tribes” c) “fabulous tribes” d) “spectacular tribes”
13. Hope ironically
calls the Australians as _______
a) “ultimate men”
b) “uncritical men” c) “gullible
men” d) “naive men”
Harpur : An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament
14. Thomahawk is a
type of ________ used by the natives of Australia.
a) axe b)
spear c) drum d) boat
15. Who is merciless in
“An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament”?
a) The white man b)
The black man c) The red Indian d) The natives of Australia
16_______ is a gift from
her husband.
a) Braid b) Baby
c) Thomahawk d) A palm full of water
17 What is
a) To burn slowly
with smoke b) To quench with water c) To satiate with smoke d) To slake
with water
18 “I’ll bear thee
on as I have borne / With____ steps”
a) stealthy b) public c) free d) unrestricted
19 Which is covered
by darkness in “An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament”?
a) The forest b) The
village c) The clan d) The plant
20 The mother is
willing to barter the braid to save her child by getting him a ______
a) palmful of water
b) beautiful toy c) handful of rice d) piece of fried chicken
21. Who mimics the sound
of the father?
a) The mountain b)
His son c)His wife d) His friends
22. Why is the “hunting
call” missing from the mountains?
a) The hunter is
killed b) The hunter is not there c) The hunter follows ahimsa d) The
hunter is mute
23. “An Aboriginal
Mother’s Lament” is written as ______.
a) a Dramatic
Monologue b) a Fable c) an Allegory d)an Imagery
24. What is the refrain
of “An Aboriginal Mother’s Lament”?
a) O moan not! b) O sob not! c) O fear
not! d) O whine not!
25. What is moaning?
a) Expression of
suffering b) Expression of happiness c) Feeling for the dead d) To mourn
for the dead people
26. _______is a type of
poem in which a speaker addresses a silent listener.
a) Dramatic monologue
b) Fable c) Allegory d)Imagery
Noonuccal : No More Boomerang
39. _____is an
aboriginal club for corporal punishment.
a) Waddy b) Ab
club c) Ab stick d) Bush stick
40. _______is a Mythical
monster inhabiting the Australian rivers.
a) Bunyip b)
Kappa c) Charon d) Fosse grim
41. What is a wallaby?
a) A type of
kangaroo b) A type of wall c) A type of baby d) A type of bird
41. ______changed her
name to Oodgeroo Noonuccal.
a) Kath Walker b)
Cassius Clay c) Christina Walker d) Catherine Clay
42. Why did Oodgeroo
Noonuccal change her name?
a) To resume her
traditional name. b) She does not like the name. c) She liked Australians.
d) She disliked Australians.
43. What is a boomerang?
a) A curved throwing
weapon b) A playing toy c) An action taken d) A long stick
44. What is “corroboree”?
a) The Aboriginal
singing and dancing b) A type of kangaroo c) An aboriginal club d) A Mythical
45. In Australia, movies
have replaced_____
a) corroboree b) waddy c) boomerang d) Bunyip
46. The indigenous
people have lost the boomerang and the spear and gained _______.
a) the bar and beer.
b) the money c) the bob d) the dog collars
47. _____is a slang term
for a unit of currency in Australia.
a) Bob b) Wampum c)
Ducats d) Bucks
48. _____is a basic
aboriginal shelter made of bark and sticks.
a) Gunyah b) Shed c)
Villa d)Hut
49. ______is a throwing
stick used to launch a spear.
a) The woomera b)
The boomerang c) The corroboree d) The message-stick
50. ______is a form of
communication traditionally used by Indigenous Australians.
a) A message-stick
b) A boomerang c) A corroboree d) A woomera
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