Wednesday, March 5, 2025

HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE – I (From Chaucer to Restoration Dramatists) / I B.A. English


HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE – I (From Chaucer to Restoration Dramatists)



1. --------------- the most important epic of the Old English period.

a. Paradise Lostb. Beowulf c. Iliad and Odyssey d.None

2. Beowulf was composed in Northumbria by a Christian poet working on pagan material in

a. early 6th century b. about the 8th centuryc. end of the 7th century d.none

3. --------------- is regarded as “the father of English Prose”

a. Chaucer b. King Alfred c. King Edward III d. Cynewulf

4. Who is the author of Beowulf?

a. Caedmon. b. Cynewulf c. John Gowerd. none

5. Who is known as the “Morning Star of Reformation”?

a. Martin Luther b. John Wycliffe c. Wat Tyler d. None of the above

6. What is the full title of Langland’s famous dream allegory?

a. The vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman b. The Canterbury Tales

c. Dream of the Road d. None of the above

7. Who can be called “The Real Father of Scottish Poetry?

a Chaucer b. King Alfred c. John Barbour d. Bacon

8. Which dialect became the Standard English in Chaucer’s time.

a. The Northern b. The Southern c. The East Midland d. The West Midland

9. Caedmon & Cynewulf were two poets . They were _____

a. Chaucer’s contemporaries b. Chaucer’s predecessors

c. Chaucer’s successors d.none

10. Name the two important poets of the Middle Anglo-Saxon period.

a. Caedmon & Cynewulf b . Chaucer & Gower

c. Dryden & Bunyan d. none

11. The poem The Christ is written by ____________.

a. Chaucer b. Langland c.Cynewulf d. Gower

12. Alfred , King of Wessex died in ____

a.900 A.D.b. 901 A.D. c. 902 A.D. d. 903 A.D.

13. 'The Owl and the Nightingale' was written about ____________.

a. 1210 b. 1215 c. 1220 d. 1225

14. What was the standard dialect of the Middle English period?

a. The Northern b. The Southern c. The East Midland d. The West Midland

15. Who has been called ‘the Morning Star of Renaissance ’ ?

a. Martin Luther b. John Wycliffe c. Wat Tyler d. Chaucer

16. Who was the king when Geoffrey Chaucer was born?

a. David II b. Richard II c. Edward II d. Edward III

17. Chaucer lived during the reigns of ___________

a. Richard II & Edward III b. Edward III & Henry IV

c. Richard II & Henry IV d. Richard II , Edward III & Henry IV

18. Name the inn where the pilgrims assemble for the night.

a. Temple Inn b. Tabard Inn c. Southwark Inn d. St.Becket Inn

19. How many tales are to be told by each pilgirim?

a. 2 b.3 c. 4 d. 1

20. Where is the tomb of St. Thomas Becket situated?

a. Warwickshire b. Shaftesburyc. Canterbury d. Stratford upon-Avon

21. In which poem did Chaucer use the heroic couplet for the first time?

a. Canterbury Tales b. House of Fame c. The Legend of Good Women d. Troilus &Criseyde

22. Chaucer dedicated his Troilus to --------------

a. John Gower b. William Langland c. John Wycliffe d. Kind Edward II

23. There is something common between Boccaccio’s ‘Filostrato’ and

Chaucer’s ---------------

a. Prologue to Canterbury Tales b. Legend of Good Women

c. Roman de la Rose d. Troilus and Criseyde

24. Who was the king when Chaucer was born?

a. Richard II b. Edward III c. Edward II d. David I

25. What is the title of Layamon’s legendary history of Britain?

a. Juliana b. Brut c. The Cursor Mundi d. Elene

26. Which one of the following works of Chaucer is an elegy written for Blanche of Lancaster?

a. The Legend of Good women. b. The Book of the Duchess

c. The House of Fame d. The Canterbury Tales

27. Who is called ‘the father of English prose’?

a. John Barbour b. King Alfred c. Wycliff d. Addison

28. What is the most important epic of the old English period?

a. Paradise Lost b. Beowulf c. The Odyssey d. The Iliad

29. Cynewulf’s Juliana is a tale of ----------

a. Helen b. Christian Martyrdom c. Daniel d. Creation

30. What is the title of Layamion’s legendary history of Britain?

a. Juliana b. Brut c. The Cursor Mundi d. Elene

31. What were the two important social events during Chaucer’s period?

a. Industrial & Scientific Revolution b. Scientific Revolution & Black Death

c. Black Death & Drought d. Scientific Revolution& Peasant Revolt

32. Which work was highly influenced by Malory’s “MorteD’Arthur”?

a. Arnold’s Dover Beach b. Hardy’s The Dynasts

c. Tennyson’s The Idylls of the King d. None

33. The vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman is written by -----------

a. John Gower b. William Langland c. Chaucer d. John Wyclif

34. John Gower wrote his first poem Speculum Meditantisin -------------

a. Old English b. French c. Latin d. Greek

35. Chaucer dedicated his ‘Troilus’ to -------------

a. William Langland b. John Gower c. John Wycliffe d. none

36. Who wrote ‘Utopia’?

a. Sir. Thomas More b. John Gower c. Marlowe d. Shakespeare

37. In which poem did Chaucer use the heroic couplet for the first time?

a. The Legende of Good womenb. The Book of the Duchess

c. The House of Fame d. The Canterbury Tales

38. Which poem of Chaucer was influenced by Boccaccio’s Filostrato?

a. Troylus and Cryseyde b. The House of Fame c. The Romaunt of the Rose d. None

39. Who is the author of “Morte d’ Arthur”?

a. Sir. Thomas Malory b. John Gower c. John Wycliffd. William Langland

40. Who wrote “Toxophilus”?

a. William Tyndale b. Roger Ascham c. Thomas Wyatt d. Henry Howard

41. Name the two poets who brought the sonnet form from Italy

a. Wyatt and Surrey b. Marlowe and Nash c. Lyly and Kyd d. None of the above.

42. John Gower’s VoxClamantis is largely concerned with ------------------

a. French Revolution b. Black Death c. The War of Roses d. Wat Tyler’s rebellion

43. Which work of Chaucer bears close resemblance to Dante’s Divine Comedy?

a. The Parliament of Fouls b. The House of Fame

c. The Legend of Good Women d. The Canterbury Tales

44. Chaucer’s The Book of the Duchess was written at the end of _________

a.1366 b. 1367 c. 1368 d. 1369

45. Who made the first translation of the Bible into English?

a. Henry Howard b. sir Thomas More c. William Tyndaled. None of the above

46.. Who wrote blank verse for the first time in England?

a. John Milton b. William Wordsworth c. Surrey d. Chaucer

47. ‘Songs of Sonnets’ is commonly known as -------------

a. Schole of Shooting b. Tottel’s Miscellany c. Book of Faith d. None of the above.

48. Songs and Sonnets, known as Tottle’s Miscellany appeared in ----------

a. 1577 b. 1557 c. 1560 d. 1565


1. The festival of "Corpus Christi" is otherwise known as_________

a. Christmas eve b. Collective mysteries

c. Celebration of happy restoration d. Celebration of king.

2. The four "P's" acquired by _____________

a. Thomas Norton. b. Thomas Sackville c. John Heywoodd. James I.

3. Interludes are modified forms of the _______________

a. Morality. b. Miracles c. Mysteries d. None of the above.

4. In the beginning, language of drama was ______________

a. Greek. b. Latin. c. English d. French.

5. Who were the actors of earlier drama?

a. Laymen b. Monks c. Nuns d. Priests.

6. The first recorded dramatic performance in England is performed by ________

a. Shakespeare b. St. Katherinec. Nicholas Udal d. Thomas Norton.

7. The earliest dramas were enacted at ____________

a. City street b. King's court c. Church d. Town

8. The First comedy in English is___________

a. The Castell of Perseverance. b. Falls of Princes. c. Steel Glas d. Roister Doister.

9. The First English tragedy is written by__________

a. Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton. B. Chaucer c. Nicholas Udall. d. Plautus.

10. The comedy "Roister Doister" is written by________

a. John Heywood b. Nicholas Udall c. Spenser d. Thomas Sackville

11. Which is the first English tragedy?

a. Gorboducb. Thersytes. c. Induction. d. Complaint of Buckingham.

12. The comedy "Roister Doister" is written in the year of ________

a. 1532. b. 1550. c. 1561 d. 1608.

13. In English which is the first play practiced in blank verse?

a. Roister Doister b. Philaster c. Gorboducd. None of the above.

14. Who is the predecessor of English tragedy?

a. Plautus b. Terence c. John Heywood d. Seneca.

15. The evaluation of drama is marked by the __________

a. Morality play. b. Miracle play c. Personification d. Allegorical poetry.

16. The festival of "Corpus Christi" largely represented the __________

a. morality playb. miracle play. c. Allegorical poetry. d. None of the above.

17. In "Corpus Christi" festival the Chester cycle acquainted with__________

a. 18 plays b. 25 playsc. 31 plays d. 20 plays.

18. St. Katherine's dramatic performance performed at _____________

a. Buckhurst b. Buckingham c. Dunstable d. Italy.

19. Which is the earliest extant morality play?

a. Gorboduc. b. Needle c. The castle of perseveranced. Roister Doister.

20. John Heywood was court musician of ______________

a. Henry VII. b. Edward VI c. Henry VI d. Henry VIII.

21. The Mystery plays dealt with ----------

a. moral themes b. medieval themes c. biblical themesd. philosophical themes

22. Who wrote the “Four P’s”?

a. Nicholas Udall b. John Heywood c. Thomas Morton d. Plautus

23. Name the first Tragedy in English.

a. Hamlet b. Gorboduc c. Roister Doister d. Macbeth

24. Who brought the Sonnet form from Italy to England?

a. Wyatt and Surreyb. Petrarch c. Milton d. Chaucer

25. What is the name given to the type of drama that deals with the lives of saints?

a. Miracle plays b. Morality plays c. Interludes d. Tragic- comedy

26. What is the first real comedy in English?

a. Gorboduc b. As You Like It c. Roister Doister d. Everyman


1. Who ruled England during the age of Shakespeare?

a. Queen Mary b. Queen Anne c. Queen Elizabethd. None

2. Who was called as the ‘Virgin’ Queen?

a. Queen Mary b. Queen Elizabeth c. Queen Victoria d. None

3. The age of Shakespeare falls into ----------- years.

a. 67 yearsb.60 years c.33 years d. None

4. The last 22 years of Shakespearean Age is known as ------

a. Victorian Age b. Puritan Age c. Reformation Age. d. Jacobean Age

5. The age of Shakespeare is filled with the spirit of --------------

a. Renaissance b. science. c. Religion d. None

6. The ----------- awakened the spiritual nature of the people of Elizabethan age.

a. Restoration b. Reformation c. Renaissanced. None

7. Name some of the famous explorers of Elizabethan Age.

a. Hawkins and Drake b. Captain Cook and John Heywood c.None

8. Who is considered to be the “common foe” during the Elizabethan age?

a. France b. Ireland c. Spain d.None

9. Who is the famous non-dramatic poet of the age?

a. Thomas Sackville b. George Gascoigne c. Edmund Spenser. d.None

10. Thomas Sackville wrote -----------

a. Myrroure for Magistrates b. Mystery of England c. Fall of the Princes d. None

11. Name the two famous works of Sackville.

a. Shepheardes Calender b. Faery Queene

c. Induction and The Complaint of Buckingham d. None

12. “Steele Glas” was written by --------------

a. George Gascoigne b. Edmund Spenser c. Sackville d.None

13. ----------------- is a pastoral poem

a. ShepheardesCalender b. Faery Queene c. Astrophel d. None

14. Spenser follows the models of the Greek Poet --------------

a. Dante b. Longinus c. Theocritus d. None

15. --------------- was an elegy written on the death of Sidney

a. The Brooke b. Memorium c. Astrophel d. None

16. Give the name of the mysterious heroine of “ShepheardesCalender”.

a. Rosalind. b. Celia c. Portia d. None

17. Who was the greatest British-legend hero of the time?

a. Robinhood b. Prince Arthur c. Prince Henry d. None

18. Which is the finest minor poem of Spenser?

a. Epithalamium b. Four Hymnes c. ShepheardesCalender d. None

19. Name the famous epic of Spenser.

a. ShepheardesCalender b. Astrophel c. Faery Queene d. None

20. “Faery Queene” is modeled on ------------ romantic epics.

a. France b. Greek c. Italian d. None

21. “Faery Queene” was a ------------ and ----------- allegory

a. Political and Religious b. religious and science c. None

22. The nine-line stanza used by Spenser is called as -----------

a. Iambic b. Ballad c.Lyric d. Alexandrine

23. “Tottel’s Miscellany” is actually a collection of ------------

a. poem b. ballad c. lyric d. song

24. -------------- talks about the history of England from Noah’s flood to Elizabeth

a. The civil wars b. England’s HeroicalEpistel c. The Barons d. Albion’s England

25. Name the famous work of Michael Drayton.

a. Astrophel b. Delia c. Idea d. The Battle of Agincourt

26. Who introduced Metaphysical Poetry in English?

a. Spenser. b. Drayton c. Michael d. John Donne

27. A group of scholars commonly known by the name --------------

a. Oxford Wits b. Cambridge Wits c. University Wits d. None

28. Lyly widely known as the author of ----------

a. As You Like It b. Rosalind c. Richard II d. Euphues

29. Who is most famous among Seven University Wits?

a. Lyly. b. Nash c. Greene d. Marlowe

30. Give the name of Shakespeare’s two non-dramatic poetries.

a. Midsummer’s Night Dream b. Troilus and Cressida

c. Venus and Adonis and Lucrece d. None

31. Shakespeare wrote ----------- sonnets

a. 156 b. 155 c. 154 d. 153

32. Shakespeare’s sonnets are addressed to which lady?

a. White Ladyb. Dark Lady. c. Purple Lady d. Blue Lady

33. Shakespeare wrote ------------ plays.

a. 31 b. 33 c. 35 d. 37

34. Who is considered to be the master of Shakespeare?

a. John Lyly b. Nash c. Marlowe d. Lodge

35. What is the name of Shakespeare’s wife?

a. Anne Boyle b. Anne Tyler c. Anne Hathaway d. None

36. Who is the friend of Shakespeare?

a. Dr.Johnson b. Marlowe c. Ben Jonson d. None

37. Name the satirical comedy written by Ben Jonson.

a. Everyman in his Comedy b. Everyman in his Innocence

c. Everyman in his Humour d. None

38. Name the famous comedies of Ben Jonson.

a. Delia,Sejanus and Catiline b. Alchemist,Volpone and Epicoene c. None

39. Which is Ben Jonson’s famous historical tragedy?

a. Hamlet b. King Othello c. Macbeth d. Sejanus and Catiline

40. Who is the founder of “Comedy of Manners”?

a. Sheridan b Swift c. Defoe d. Ben Jonson

41. The famous works of John Webster is ------------ and -------------

a. My Last Duchess and King Lear b. Hamlet and Shylock

c. White Devil and Duchess of Malfi d. None

42. Name the two playhouses built in 1576.

a. Theatre and Curtain b. Broadway and Holiwood c. Stage and Drama d. None

43. Name the two playhouses built in the time of Queen Elizabeth.

a. Theatre and Stage b. Drama and Lyric c. Globe and Blackfriars d. None

44. Shakespeare registered himself as the servant of --------------

a. Lord Leicester b. Lord Chamberlain c. Lord Admiral d. None

45. Who acted in the female roles during Shakespearean Stage?

a. little girls b. boy actresses c. men d. None

46. Sir Philip Sidney wrote the famous ---------------

a. Diana b. Venus c. Arcadia d. None

47. What is the name of two Arcadian princesses?

a. Diana and Venus b. Rosalind and Celia

c. Aurora and Portia d. Philoclea and Pamela

48. Name any one of three works of Lodge that furnished raw material to Shakespeare “As You Like It”.

a. Roasalynde b. Pandosto c. Arcadia d. None

49. Name the greatest work of Francis Bacon.

a. Of School b. Of College c. Advancement of Learning d. None

50. Who wrote “Jew of Malta”?

a. Lodge b. Lyly c. Shakespeare d. Marlowe


1. Which year is considered to be the age of Milton?

a.1625 – 1660 b. 1660 – 1680 c. 1630 – 1670 d. None

2. The age of Milton is also called as --------------- age

a. Shakespearean age b. Miltonic age c. Reformation age d. Puritanic age

3. During Puritanic age who is the Archbishop of England?

a. Thomas Becket b. Archbishop Parker c. Martin Luther King d. None

4. In which year Milton was born?

a. 1608 b. 1609 c. 1610 d. None

5. At which place Milton was born?

a. Surrey b. Lake Side c. Avon d. Bread Street, Cheapside

6. When Milton left London to do his continental tour?

a. May 1638 b. May 1639 c. May 1640 d. None

7. What was the name of Milton’s first wife?

a. Anne Boyle b. Catherine c. Mary Powell d. None

8. John Milton was appointed as --------------- to the Committee of Foreign Affairs

a. External Affairs Minister b. Minister of Education c. Latin Secretary d. None

9. Give the name of his early works wriiten during his college time.

a. On The Morning Of Christ’s Nativity b. Morning Star

c. The Dream d. None

10. Name the works he wrote during his stay at Horton.

a. L’Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus and Lycidas b. Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained

c. Samson Agonistes d. None

11. Which is the famous prose work of Milton?

a. Lycidas b. Comus c. Areopagitica d. None

12. Name the three famous masterpieces written by Milton after becoming blind.

a. Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes

b. Lycidas, Comus and Areopagitica c. None

13. Who called Milton’s sublimity as “the grand style”?

a. Chaucer b. Oliver Cromwell c. Mathew Arnold d. None

14. Who administered England during the time of Puritanic age?

a. Robert Peele b. Robert Cromwell c. Oliver Cromwell d. None

15. Who ruled England after King James I?

a. Charles I b. Charles II c. Henry II d. None

16. The poets of the Charles I rule is called as ----------

a. Jacobites b. Cavaliers c. Pretenders d. Caroline Poets

17. Who is most famous among Caroline Poets?

a. Ben Jonson b. John Donne c. Robert Herrick d.None

18. Give the names of important poets in Cavalier group?

a. Surrey, Milton and Jonson b. Jacobite, Pretender and Cavalier

c. Carew, Suckling and Lovelace d. None

19. What is the meaning for Charles in Latin?

a. Carols b. Carolus c. Cactus d. None

20. Who are the famous Caroline prose writers?

a. Dryden, Milton and Cromwell b. Taylor, Baxter and Fuller c. None

21. Which work is considered as the personal confession of religious faith?

a. Religio Medici b. Recreation c. Confession d. None

22. Who wrote the work “History of the Great Rebellion”?

a. Mathew Arnold b. Jeremy Taylor 3. Edward Hyde d. None

23. Whose writings was quaint, witty and vivacious?

a. Milton b. Sackville c. Lovelace d. Thomas Fuller

24. Who wrote “The Leviathan”?

a. Thomas Fuller b. Edward Hyde c. Thomas Hobbes d.None

25. Who is recognized as one of the greatest religious and metaphysical poet of seventeenth century?

a. Thomas Hobbes b. Thomas Traherne c. Thomas Fuller d. None


1. Who are considered the pioneers of classical school of poetry?

a. Edmund Waller and John Dryden b. Edmund Waller and Butler

c. Edmund Waller and John Denham. d. John Denham and John Dryden.

2. John Dryden was made poet laureate in the year __________

a. 1631 b. 1670. c. 1659. d. 1657

3. Dryden’s great satirical verse is ____________

a. ReligioLaici. b. Absalom and Achitophel. c. Astraea Redux. d. Cooper’s Hill.

4. “The excellence and dignity of rime”- This is a comment made by Dryden upon_________

a. John Denham. b. Edmund Wallerc. Charles II d. None of the above

5. John Dryden born in the year _______

a. 1558. b.1631. c. 1608. d.1617.

6. Dryden’s classical school of poetry in England is divided into____________

a. Two heads. b. three headsc. six heads d. four heads.

7. Dryden’s first poem, an elegy, is written on the death of ________

a. Lord Hastings b. John Denham c. Edmund Waller. d. Samuel Butler

8. Annus mirabilis is published in the year __________

a. 1667. b.1699 c.1700 d.1569

9. Dryden’s “Palamon and Arcite” is based upon the work of Chaucer’s___________

a. Roman de la Rose b. Canterbury tales c. Knight’s Tale. d. Nonnes priests Tale.

10. “Hudibras” is written by____________

a. John Dryden b. John Denham c. Thomas Sackville d. Samuel Butler.

11. _________ plays as the powerful influence in the age of Dryden

a. France. b. Italy c. Scotland d. None

12. “Hudibras”- is a satire on __________

a. Clergy people. b. King c. Puritansd. Landlords.

13. Which work of Dryden is in celebration of the “happy restoration” of Charles II?

a. ReligioLaici b. Absalom and Achitophel c. Astraea Redux d. Hind and the panther.

14. Dryden personally attacked his friend Thomas Shadwell in _________

a. The Medal. b. Palamon and Arcite c. Macflecknoe. d. Annus Mirabilis.

15. Which is Dryden’s first work?

a. The Hind and the panther b. Absalom and Achitophel

c. Heroic stanzas on the death of Oliver Cromwell d. Hudibras.

16. ‘Hudibras’ is written in__________

a. Three partsb. Two parts. c. six parts d. five parts.

17. Hudibras is based on the work _________

a. Humphry clinker b. Roderick Random c. Don Quixoted. Oliver Cromwell.

18. Dryden’s theological poems are _________

a. Astraea Redux and Annus Mirabilis. b. ReligioLaici and The Hind the panther

c. The Medal and Macflecknoe d. None of these above.

19. “Heroic stanzas on the Death of Oliver Cromwell” is written in ________

a.1659. b.1631 c.1681. d.1670.

20. Who ascended the throne in the age of Dryden?

a. Charles I b. Charles II c. James I d. James II.

21. The Age of Dryden is the establishment of _____________

a. Metaphysical poetry. b. Modern Prose. c. Criticism d. Development of Drama.

22. ‘Areopagitica’ is written by ________________

a. John Bunyan. b. John Dryden c. John Milton. d. John Tillostson.

23. John Bunyan’s autobiographical work is __________

a. The Pilgrim’s Progress. b. Essay of Dramatic Poesy c.Grace Aboundingd. The Holy war.

24. ‘The Holy war’ is written by___________

a. John Milton b. John Bunyan. c. John Dryden d. Samuel Butler.

25. ‘The Holy War’ is written in _________

a. 1655 b. 1678 c. 1682 d. 1660.

26. Who is first great modern prose writer?

a. John Bunyan b. John Drydenc. Samuel Butler d. John Tillotson.

27. ‘Essay of Dramatic Poesy’ is written by___________

a. John Bunyan. b. John Dryden c. Samuel Butler d. John Tillotson.

28. The Age of Dryden is the age of _______________

a. Restoration b. Reformation c. Renaissance d. None of the above.

29. ‘All For Love’ is written by_______________

a. Nathaniel lee b. William Congrevec. William Wycherley. d. George Farquhar.

30. ‘All for Love’ is based on ______________

a. Conquest of Granada b. Tyrannic Love c. Antony and Cleopatra. d. The mourning Bride.

31. William Congreve’s tragedy is ___________

a. The Mourning Brideb. Tyrannic Love c. The Royal Martyr d. Orphan.

32. The great fire of London occurred in_________

ALLIED II: HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE – I (From Chaucer to Restoration Dramatists)

I B.A. English Literature (U12EGY22)

Department of English, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichy. 10

a. 1666. b.1667. c.1671 d.1689.

33. Butler’s ‘Hudibras’ part III is published in_______

a. 1672. b.1678 c.1671 d. 1689

34. The two diarists of Dryden’s prose period is ______________

a. John Locke and William Congreve b. John Evelyn and Samuel Pepys

c. Samuel Pepy and George Farquhar d. William Wycherley and William Congreve.

35. The age of Dryden is also known as beginnings of ___________

a. modern criticism. b. modern fiction c. development of drama d. epic poetry.

36. Samuel Pepys diary covers a period of nearly_____________

a. 6 years b. 12 years c. 10 years d. 5 years.

37. Pepys’ diary is filled with__________

a. Criticism b. Poetry c. Prose d. Historical values.

38. The theatres were reopened in the reign of _________

a. Charles II b. James II c. Charles I d. James I.

39. Who is the first modern critic?

a. Samuel Pepy b. John Bunyan b. Matthew Arnold d. John Dryden.

40. The pilgrim’s Progress was written in ______

a. 1660b. 1675 c. 1655. d. 1680.

41. Dryden’s prose writings consist mainly of ____________

a. Poems and essays b. essays and criticism. c. essays and prefaces. d. filled with satire.

42. Who wrote first in rime in blank verse?

a. Thomas Otway. b. Nathaniel Leec. Congreve d. Dryden.

43. ‘The Royal Martyr’is written by_______________

a. Waller b. Dryden c. Bunyan d. Milton.

44. Author of Cooper’s Hill is _____________

a. John Denhamb. Edmund Waller c. Bunyan d. Fuller.

45. Dryden’s great remarkable ode is _____________

a. Ode to an evening. b. Ode to a Nightingale b. c. Alexander’s Feast d. Ode to an autumn.

46. Who became the first poet Laureate of England?

a. Spencer b. Dryden c. Pope d. Johnson

47. What is the political satire written by Dryden to defend King’s policy against Shaftesbury?

a. ReligioLaici b. The Hind and the Pantherc. Absalom and Achitophel d. The Medal

48. What is the most popular satire on the puritans by Samuel Butler?

a. Absalom Achitophel b. ReligioLaici c. Hudibras d. The Hind and the Panther

49. Name the autobiographical work of Bunyan.

a. Pilgrim’s Progress. b. Grace Abounding. c. The Holy Ward. None

50. Whose diary gives information about the Restoration England?

a. Pepys b. John Locke c. Congreve d. Wycherley

51. Who remarked: “The Restoration marks the birth of our modern prose”?

a. Walter Pater b. Mathew Arnold c. Ruskin d. Dryden

52. Samuel Butler’s Hudibras is a pointed satire on -----------

a. Puritanism b. political corruption c. religious corruption d. manners of the Age

53. Grace Abounding, a religious biography, is written by ----------

a. Pepys b. Samuel Butler c. John Bunyan d. none

54. Who is attacked in Mac Flecknoe?

a. John Banyan b. Addison c. Thomas Shadwell d. Dr.Johnson

55. Who is considered to be the ‘father of English criticism’?

a. Pope b. John Dryden c. Congreve d. None

56. Which play of Dryden is modeled on Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra?

a. All for Love b. Mac Flecknoe c. The Medal d. none

57. Which of the following deals with the Popish plot?

a. ReligioLaici b. Essay on Dramatic Poesy

c. Absalom and Achitophel d. The Hind and the Panther

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