Wednesday, September 18, 2024

MCQs for MA English - Christopher Marlowe: Edward II

 Core I:  MODERN LITERATURE I[Chaucer to the Jacobeans]

Christopher Marlowe: Edward II

151. Marlowe was born in the year _________

a. 1564                         b. 1456                        c. 1546                        d. 1465

152. At the age of sixteen and a half, Marlowe was awarded a scholarship to ____College, Cambridge.

a. Trinity                      b. Corpus Christi       c. Oxford                    d. Bishop’s

153. Marlowe wrote _______ plays in his life time.

a. 5                              b. 6                              c. 7                              d. 8

154. Christopher Marlowe is the father of English ________

a. Literature                 b. Language                c. Sonnet                     d. Tragedy

155. “Hamartia” means ___________

a. Tragic Flaw                        b. Climax                     c. pity and relief          d. Revenge

156. When did Edward II become king of England?

 a.  14 January 1296    b. 15 May 1299           c. 7 July 1307             d. 4 December 1298

157. Where was Edward II born?

a.  Caernarvon           b. Swansea                  c.  Liverpool                d. Chelsea

158. What does Edward call Isabella just before he says farewell to Gaveston?

 a.  French strumpet b. his dearest beloved c. French traitor   d. she-wolf of France

159. From whom has Gaveston received a letter that he reads aloud at the beginning of the play?

a. Earl of Lancaster     b. Edward II              c. Earl of Warwick d. Queen Isabella

160. What relation are the Younger Mortimer and the Elder Mortimer to each other?

a. brothers       b. son and father         c. cousins         d. nephew and uncle  

161. Which sorts of men does Gaveston plan to use to make the “pliant” king do anything that he (Gaveston) wants?

a. monks and other churchmen           b. soldiers and builders of castles

c. poets and musicians                       d sailors and explorers

162. What pet-name for the King does Gaveston use in his aside to the audience?

a.  Darling       b. Ted              c. Ned                         d. Teddy

163. Who is the only noble to speak out on the King’s side in this first confrontation at the beginning of the play?

a.  Edmund of Kent, Edward's half-brother          b. Edward, Prince of Wales, Edward's son 

c. Earl of Warwick                  d. Thomas of Lancaster, Edward’s cousin

164. Which clergyman do Gaveston and the King throw into the gutter?

a.  Bishop of Carlisle b. Bishop of Ely  c. Bishop of Coventry  d. Archbishop of Canterbury 

165. Who uses “A lofty cedar tree” in Act 2, Scene 2?

a.  Pembroke   b. Mortimer Junior               c. Warwick                  d. Lancaster

166. To what bird does Edward compare the nobles in Act 2, Scene 2? 

a.  Sea Gull b. eagles c. Parrot d. Peacock

167. Who is the assassin that Mortimer Junior hires at the end of the play Edward II?

a.         Lancaster        b. Warwick                              c.   Lightborne                       d. Baldock

168. Who murders Gaveston before he could see the king?

a. Lancaster            b. Warwick                       c.   Lightborne                 d. Baldock

169.  Which important earldom does he also give to Gaveston?

a.  Gloucester              b. Cornwall                c. Cardiff                    d. Lancaster

170. Whose property does Gaveston receive from Edward?

a.  Bishop of Carlisle               b. Bishop of Ely         

c. Bishop of Coventry           d. Archbishop of Canterbury 

171.Who calls Spencer a “base upstart” Act 3, Scene 3? 

a.  Pembroke b. Mortimer Junior      c. Warwick      d. Lancaster

172. Act 5, Scene 1, to whom does Edward hand over the crown?

a. Trussel                                 b. Bishop of Winchester       

c. Bishop of Coventry             d. Archbishop of Canterbury   

173. Who compares himself to a tree - “stands as Jove's huge tree”? 

a.  Pembroke               b. Mortimer Junior   c. Warwick      d. Lancaster

174. Who is called “a paltry boy” by Mortimer?

a.  Edward II              b. Edward III             c. Gaveston     d. Lancaster

175. Where did Edward II die?

a.  Gloucester              b. Cornwall                 c. London        d. Berkeley

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