Wednesday, September 18, 2024




Unit III

The Bible (KJV): Psalm 23, Psalm 51.

Thomas Wyatt: “I Find No Peace”

Michael Drayton : “Whilst Thus My Pen Strives To”

Philip Sidney: Astrophel and Stella – Sonnet No. 1  “Loving in truth, and fain in verse”

Francis Bacon : 1) “Of Truth”

                        2) “Of Travel” 

101. David makes use of ________motif in Psalm 23. 

a. the bull                    b. the lion                    c. the shepherd          d. God

102. What are the main points of psalm 23?

            a. Son, Sun and Sin                                         b. Give, Gift and Get                                      c. Provision, protection and preservation.            d. God, Sprit and Son

103. According to David in Psalm 23, through which things does the Lord comfort the one          who walks through the valley of the shadow of death?

a. palm and fingers                                          b. rod and staff                     

c. gun and dagger                                           d. Tree and leaves

104. According to David in Psalm 23, what provisions does the Lord furnish in the presence         of one’s enemies?

a. Many good things                                                   b. grocery  

c. He prepares a table                                               d. Many musical instruments

105.  According to David in Psalm 23, what does the Lord provide in this life?

a. Fruits                       b. Happiness                c. Songs           d. Goodness and mercy

106. According to David, what does God desire more than a burnt offering?         

 a. A white dove         b. A good gift                         c. A hefty calf                         d. A broken heart

107. What are the main points of Psalm 51?

 a. Love, hate and more love                           b. Sin and sinner                                

c. Plea, promise and prayer                          d. Jab, jazz and joy

108. Upon what does David base his appeal for God’s forgiveness in Psalm 51?

a. His sovereignty                                           b. His loving kindness                                    c. His proximity                                             d. Blind hope

109. What does God desire of David in Psalm 51?

a. To be a great warrior                                   b.Truth in the inward parts                         c. To be a good husband                                     d. To be a good king

110. In praying for forgiveness, what does David ask God to do in Psalm 51?

a. Punish him                                                   b. Make him a great king                                c. Purge him with hyssop                                 d. Grant him His grace

111. What two things does David promise to do when forgiven?

a. Forget and forgive                                      b. Rule and be Ruled                                      c. Pray and surrender                                             d. Teach and Sing aloud

112. David _____ about his unclean heart in Psalm 51.

a. thinks                       b. laughs                      c. laments                   d.knows

113. David committed adultery with __________.

a. Eve                          b. Bathsheba                         c. Bluebells                  d. Sarah

114. Who is the wife of Uriah?

a. Bathsheba              b. Uriba                       c. Mary                        d. Saribah

115. Who is Nathan?

a. A singer                   b. A prophet               b.A vagabond             c. A king

116.”What is truth?” To whom does Pilate ask this question?

a. Jesus                       b. Joseph                     c. the Priests                d. Merchants

117. According to Bacon , what is the opinion of a Grecian on truth?

a. Man loves lie for lie’s sake                          b. Man loves lie for God’s sake

c. Man loves lie for others’ sake                     d. Man loves lie for his sake

118. Bacon compares truth to

a. open day light        b. open twilight           c. open darkness          d. None of these

119. Bacon compares falsehood to

a. Candle light                        b. lamp light                c. sun light                   d. moon light

120. Bacon compares truth to

a. Pearl                                   b. Gold                        c. Lead                                    d. Platinum

121. ‘Vinum Daemonum’ means

a. Wine of Gods    b. Wine of Devils     c.Wines of Fathers        d. Wine for Pastors

122. According to Bacon, the first creation of God was

a. light of sense           b. light of scent          c.light of moon            d. None of these

123. According to Bacon, the last creation of God was

a. light of reason        b. romantic light          c. sun light                   d. moon light

124. “The poet that beautified the sect that was otherwise inferior to the rest” The word    “sect” stands for

a. Epicureans             b. Academicians          c. Stoics                       d. Sceptics

125…..clear and round dealing is the --------------of men’s nature

a. shame                      b. honour                    c. insult                        d. none of these

126. ‘….a man lieth is….brave towards god, a coward towards men”.

      Who said these words?

a. Montaigne              b. Pilate                       c.Grecian                     d. Lucretius

127. “….when Christ cometh, he shall not find -----------upon the earth”.

a. faith                        b. love                         c. hatred                      d. enmity

128. Travel is -------------------for young people.

a. education                b. entertainment          c. boredom                  d. fun

129. A traveller must have some acquaintance with the -----------------of the country  where he travels.

a. custom                     b. language                 c. culture                     d.area

130. Young men should travel with a ------------------

a. tutor                                    b. friend                      c. Pastor                      d. poet

131. Men should make------------ while traveling.

            a. diaries                     b. food                                  d. None of these

132. “Consistories Ecclesiactic” means

a. Kings court              b. religious court        c. worship place          d. archives

133. A traveller should avoid the following events such as

a. Capital execution                           b. Training of soldiers                                                 c. Shipping and navies                   d. Shopping

134. A traveller can make acquaintance with……………..

               a. employed men of ambassadors                    b. relatives of ambassadors

               c. friends of ambassadors                                    d. enemies of ambassadors

135. People quarrel for-----------------

               a. mistress, health etc.                                        b. mistakes, health etc.

               c. money, health etc.                                           d. None of the above

136. Drayton writes, “My name shall mount upon______”.

a. eternity b. hill c. house d. wall

137.  Why does Drayton refer to Medea?

a. Become young again b. To get the Golden Fleece c. To help Jason d. To be cunning

138. The sonnet “Whilst thus my pen strives to” appeared in _________

a. The Legend of Piers Gaveston                    b. Matilda                                                        c. The Harmony of the Church               d. Idea: The Shepherd's Garland

139. Medea was the _________ of King Aeëtes of Colchis

     a. wife                         b. daughter                 c. niece                        d. granddaughter

140. “I Find no Peace” is a translation of Petrarch’s sonnet _____

     a. 101                          b. 102                          c. 104                          d. 108

141. “_________ rules my lines with wrinkles in my face”

     a. Age                          b. Pen                          c. God                         d. Death

142. “I love_______, and thus I hate myself”

     a. you                          b. me                           c. another                   d. God

143. The rhyme scheme of “I Find No Peace” is _________

     a. abbaabba ccdeed                                         b. aabbabba ccdeed                                         c. aabbabba cddcdd                                         d. abbaabba cddcdd

144. “I fly above the ______, yet can I not arise”

     a. sky                           b. wind                        c. stars                         d. world

145. What does “Astrophil” mean?

a. star lover b. star                                  c. lover of moon                      d. Stella

no month but May146. What does “Stella” mean?

     a. sun               b. star                          c. moon                       d. Astrophil

147. “Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show...” . What does Philip Sidney mean         by “fain”?

     a. faint             b. prepare to cheat       c. prepare to take a risk        d. full of pain

148. Who calls Philip Sidney a fool?

     a. Stella                       b. Muse                       c. Sidney’s father        d. Pan

149. Whose brain is “sun burned”?

     a. Stella                       b. Astrophil                c. Philip Sidney           d. Muse

150. Why does Philip Sidney fail to write a love poem in the beginning?

a. Relies on his love                            b. Relies on his heart                                                   c. Relies on his songs                           d. Relies on books.

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