Wednesday, September 18, 2024

MCQs ML 1 John Webster: The White Devil


 John Webster: The White Devil

176. The White Devil is a __________

a. tragedy                    b. comedy                   c. tragicomedy            d. revenge tragedy

177. _________ was murdered in Padua on 22 December 1585

a. Vittoria Accoramboni       b. Monticelso      c. John Webster      d. Queen Anne

178. Vittoria Corombona is the sister of ________

a. Brachiano                b. Flamineo               c. Hortensio                 d. Zanche

179. Giovanni is Brachiano's son by _________

a. Vittoria                    b. Helen                       c. Isabella                   d. Zanche

180. _________ plots with Flamineo and Brachiano on how to best murder Isabella and    Camillo

a. Christophero            b.  Marcello                 c. Monticelso               d. Doctor Julio

181. ___________ is  a member of Brachiano's court

a. Hortensio                b. Gasparo                   c. Lodovico                 d. Zanche

182. The White Devil was written by _________

            a. Thomas Webster      b. John Webster   c. Joseph Webster     d. Christopher Webster

183. The White Devil was first performed in the  _________ theatre.

            a. Ancient Greek         b. Globe                      c. Red Bull                 d. Cockpit

184. The White Devil was successfully revived in 1630 by Queen Henrietta's Men at the    Cockpit Theatre and published again in ___

            a. 1731                        b. 1691                        c. 1651                        d. 1631

185. The Cardinal ___________ later became Pope Paul IV.

            a. Monticelso              b. Francisco De Medici           c. Brachiano    d. Giovanni

186. Francisco De Medici, Duke of Florence, in Act V disguised as the Moor ____________

            a. Monticelso               b. Mulinassar             c. Orsini           d. Lodowick

187. ________ is the husband of Isabella.

            a. Monticelso               b. Francisco De Medici           c. Brachiano   d. Giovanni

188. ___________ is an Italian Count in love with Isabella

            a. Monticelso               b. Mulinassar               c. Orsini                       d. Lodowick

189. _________ is Vittoria's husband.

            a. Camillo                   b. Marcello                  c. Pedro                       d. Gasparo

190. _________ is Vittoria's younger brother.

            a. Camillo                    b. Marcello                 c. Pedro                       d. Gasparo

191. _____ is a doctor.

            a. Flamineo                  b. Arragon                   c. Julio                        d. Jacques

192. _______ a Moor, is a servant to Giovanni

            a. Flamineo                  b. Arragon                   c. Julio                         d. Jacques

193. _______________ is Francisco De Medici's sister.

            a. Isabella                   b. Vittoria                    c. Cornelia                   d. Portia

194. ___________ is the Venetian lady, sister of Flamineo, first married to Camillo

            a. Isabella                    b. Vittoria                   c. Cornelia                   d. Portia

195. _________ is the mother of Marcello.

            a. Isabella                    b. Vittoria                    c. Cornelia                  d. Portia

196. ___________ is banished from Rome for debauchery and murder.

            a. Monticelso               b. Mulinassar               c. Orsini                       d. Lodovico

197. Brachiano and ___________ are arrange to murder Camillo and Isabella.

            a. Flamineo                 b. Arragon                   c. Julio                         d. Jacques

198. ________ pretends madness in order to protect himself from awkward suggestions.

            a. Arragon                   b. Flamineo                c. Julio                         d. Jacques

199.  _________ and Zanche shoot Flamineo.

            a. Isabella                    b. Cornelia                   c. Vittoria                   d. Portia

200. __________, disguised as Capuchin monks to avenge Isabella's death.

            a. Camillo                    b. Marcello                  c. Pedro                       d. Gasparo

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