Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I BA English / Prose 1/ Bacon’s “Of Studies”


Department of English

Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli

I BA English - Prose - I

Question Bank – Multiple Choice Questions

Bacon’s “Of Studies”

1. According to Bacon, the chief use of study is:

(a)  Ability  (b)  Ornament  (c)  Delight               (d)  Adornment

2. To Bacon to spend too much time in studies is:

(a)  Affection (b)  Affectation  (c)  Studious  (d)  Sloth

3. For abilities which are natural is like natural plants that need _________

(a) pruning by study (b) sunlight  (c) air  (d) water

4. According to Bacon, who condemns studies?

a. crafty men             b.  simple men                       c. wise men      d.  ready men

5. ___________maketh a full man

 (a) speaking  (b) reading (c) writing (d) listening

6. History makes men wise; poets witty; mathematics subtle and natural philosophy _____

(a) shallow     (b) deep   (c) intense   (d) low

7. The exercise bowling is good for ______ and reins

 (a) rock     (b) sand   (c) stone  (d)  none of the above

8.A man who studies a lot is temperamentally ___________

(a)active (b) inactive  (c) smart (d) lazy

9.Studies develop the man’s natural ____________

   (a) ability  (b) inability   (c) value (d) none of the above

10.Different kinds of ________ have different effects upon the reader.

 (a) books  (b) compact discs (c) equipments (d) none of the above

11.Experience is essential to add to the value of __________

     (a)land  (b) gold  (c) building (d) studies

12. The study of logic and rhetoric develop a man’s

(a) muscles  (b) intelligence  (c) debating power (d) none of the above

 13. Planning and Management of affairs are expected only from persons

(a) who seldom reads (b) who debate often (c) who reads a lot (d) none of the above

 14. Some Books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and

      (a) spitted    (b) vomited   (c)  digested  (d) none of the above

15. One should not read books merely to contradict others but to

      (a) judge the cost of the book   (b) judge the number of pages in the book (c) judge the value  of the material the book contains (d) judge the time taken to make us sleepy

16. Simple men admire studies and wise men ______ them

     (a) use   (b) misuse (c) lecture  (d) none of the above

17. Bacon’s style is known for:

         (a)  pathos                                                      (b)  humour 

         (c)  paradox                                                    (d)  aphorisms

18. According to Bacon what maketh an exact man?

         (a)  sleeping                                                    (b)  eating 

         (c)  chatting                                                    (d)  reading

19. Bacon suggests that if a man’s wit be wandering let him study:

         (a)  Mathematics                                          (b)  History

         (c)  Philosophy                                               (d)  Logic

20. According to Bacon what makes men wise?

         (A)  Physics                                                     (B)  Mathematics

         (C)  Philosophy                                               (D)  History

21. According to Bacon gentle walking is good for

         (a)  eyes                                                          (b)  stomach

         (c)  brain                                                         (d)  lungs

22. According to Bacon philosophy makes men:

         (a)  wise  (b)  witty(c)  subtle                       (d)  grave

23. Bacon suggests that the general counsels come best from those that are :

         a.  Experienced          b.  Professionals          c.  Learned        d.  Businessmen

24. To use studies too much for Ornament is _______

          a. Affection                b. Affectation              c.  Adornment   d.  none

25. To Bacon one must read to :

            a. weigh and consider b. contradict and confute c. talk and discourse d.  take for granted

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