Wednesday, October 2, 2024

UG I BA English/ Prose 1/ A.G. Gardiner’s “A Fellow Traveller”

Department of English

Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli

I BA English - Prose - I

Question Bank – Multiple Choice Questions

Course Code: U24EG102

A.G. Gardiner’s “A Fellow Traveller”

136. “Alpha of the Plough” is the pseudonym of ________

         (a)  Robert Lynd                                          (b)  Francis Bacon

         (c)  A.G Gardiner                                      (d)  J.B Priestley

137. A.G Gardiner’s fellow-traveller was a ________

         (a)  bird                                                          (b)  man

         (c)  dog                                                           (d)  mosquito

138. A.G Gardiner accused his fellow- traveller as _________

         (a)  a vagrant                                               (b)  a public nuisance

         (c)  travelling without a ticket                (d)  all the above

139. A.G Gardiner travelled in a ______

         (a)  bicycle                                                    (b)  train

         (c)  bus                                                           (d)  none

140. A.G Gardiner and his fellow- traveller knew about each other’s journey.

         (a)  true                                                          (b)  false

         (c)  to some extent                                      (d)  none

141. Name the writers who continually misquoted the poets they loved.

         (a)  Pope and Dryden                                (b)  Bacon and Lamb

         (c)  Hazlitt and Swift                                 (d)  Lamb and Hazlitt

142. A.G Gardiner’s fellow-traveller was a ________

         (a)  bird                                                          (b)  man

         (c)  dog                                                           (d)  mosquito

143. According to Priestley To-er-is human, to ________ divine

         (a)  refuse                                                     (b)  forgive

         (c)  forget                                                      (d)  none

144. Gardiner feels that he has interested in his fellow traveller and in return he has _________ him.

(a) insulted  (b) pleased (c) entertained (d) worried

145. How does Gardiner describe his sense of freedom?

    (a) pleasant (b) uneasy (c) boring (d) none of the above

146. How does Gardiner describe his sense of freedom?

     (a) pleasant (b) uneasy (c) boring (d) none of the above

147. When one is alone in the carriage what can he do?

 (a) sing and dance (b) open and close window

(c) play golf and even stand on head    (d) all the above

148. How did the author responded to the behaviour of his fellow traveller?

 (a) kissed him               (b) flicked him off 

(c) prayed with him       (d) danced and sung with  him

149.How many times the author warns his fellow traveller?

        (a) dozen of times (b) a score of time (c) twice (d) often

150. Gardiner refers his fellow traveller as a __________

      (a) genius (b) almighty (c) vagrant (d) all the above

151. After attacking his fellow traveller with a blow what did the author do?

         (a) lunged him (b) jumped on the seat (c) adopted tactics of feline cunning (d) all the above

152. According to A.G. Gardiner  what are the noblest attributes of man?

         (a) pride and prejudice (b) anger and rage

(c) magnanimity and mercy (d) fear and dilemma

153. Gardiner feels that __________ has made them fellow travelers

            (a) misfortune    (b) fortune  (c) fate  (d) all the above

154. Gardiner feels that he cannot kill his fellow traveller but _______him.

            (a) reprieve (b) discharge (c) dismantle (d) none of the above

155. Gardiner was feeling ______________ to his fellow creature

            (a) equal (b) inferior (c) superior (d) guilty

156. Gardiner refers whom to have called the non-human beings a as brother?

  (a) St. Francis   (b) St. Augustus (c) St. Thomas   (d) none of the above

157. Gardiner feels that he has interested in his fellow traveller and in return he has _________ him.

(a) insulted  (b) pleased (c) entertained (d) worried

158. Gardiner heard a friendly voice in the window who is it?

  (a) Station master (b) engine driver (c) guard  (d) friendly porter

159.  A G Gardiner fully refers as

(a) Alwin Godwin Gardiner  (b) Abel Gonsalvez Gardiner (c) Alfred George Gardiner (d) none of the above

160. How did the fellow traveller behave with the author?

          (a) Made a menace (b) Spoke well and behaved gently

(c) Ignored the author  (d) Sang and slept

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