Thursday, October 3, 2024

III BA English / Shakespeare / Julius Caesar


Department of English

Bishop Heber College (Autonomous)

Tiruchirappalli–620 017

III B.A. ENGLISH LITERATURE  –– Semester – V   Shakespeare


Julius Caesar

1. Whom does Caesar defeat in the opening scene?

a. Brutus b. Cassius c. Pompey’s sons d. Casca

2.  Plebians is the common people of ----------.

a. Rome b. France c. England d. Denmark

3. Name the two tribunes who rebuked the people of Rome for their fickle mindedness in the opening scene.

a. Caesar and Antony b. Cassius and Casca c. Flavius and Marullus d. brutus and Cassius

4.  Act I, scene II portrays ------------ celebration in Julius Caesar

a. Lupercalia Feast b. Eve’s Feast c. Diana’s Feast d. Harvest Feast

5. “Beware the Ides of March”- Whose words are these?

a. Calphurnia b.sooth sayer c.Antony d. Cinna

6. Name the first conspirator who is able to provoke Brutus against Caesar?

a. Casca b. Cinna c.Pompey d. Cassius

7. How does Cassius able to turn Brutus against Caesar?

a. by touching Brutus’ love for country b. by bribing Brutus

c. by making him drink liquor d. by assuring him that he will be the ruler

8. How many times Caesar was offered crown by Antony?

a. two b. three c. four d. five

9. In Julius Caesar, who was suffering from epileptic fit?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

10. Who plans to write forged letters like the citizens of Rome?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

11. Which one of the conspirators is a scoffer?

a. Casca b. Cinna c.Pompey d. Cassius

12. To whom, nature pursues her natural course even in a storm?

a. Casca b. Cicero c.Pompey d. Cassius

13. Brutus was moved by ------------ to murder Caesar.

a. a general cause b. personal vengeance c. a vision d. his wife 

14. Lucius is the servant of ----------------

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

15. Who says that the conspirators are purgers not butchers?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

16. Who sees a bad dream in Julius Caesar?

a. Calphurnia b. sooth sayer c. Antony d. Cinna

17. Who induces Caesar to go to the Senate?

a. Antony b. Decius c. Cassius d. Casca

Who warns Caesar through a piece of paper about the conspiracy?

a. Calphurnia b. sooth sayer c. Antony d. Artemidorus

18. Who is very much in anxiety after hearing the secret from Brutus?

a. Portia b. Antony c.Lucius d.Calphurnia

19. Who says that his decision to punish a criminal like Publius Cimber is irrevocable?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

20.Who is the first person to stab Caesar?

a. Casca b. Cinna c.Pompey d. Cassius

21. Who is the last one to stab Caesar?

a. Caesar b. Brutus c. Antony d. Cassius

22. “Liberty, freedom and enfranchisement”- whose words are these?

a. Plebeians b. conspirators c. senators d. tribunes

23. “Romans, countrymen and lovers! Hear me for my cause”-Identify the speaker

a. Brutus b. Antony c. Octavius d. Calphurnia

24. “Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more”- Identify the speaker

a. Brutus b. Antony c. Octavius d. Calphurnia

25.  “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;

I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him” Whose words are these?

a. Brutus b. Antony c. Octavius d. Calphurnia

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